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Sunday 10 April 2011

10 years from now

(time flies by like a roll of toilet paper)
No one can predict his own future and no one exactly can tell what will be your life next 5 or 10 years from 2011, there’s a possibility that you will die or there’s a possibility that you will have your own family you just can’t tell. I hope my work help not just me but others as well.
I have many dreams and aspirations that I would like to accomplish within next five or ten years to come. In five or ten years I can see myself having many of my goal accomplished, if not accomplished, I will be working on accomplishing those goals to fulfill my life. I know it’s not easy to know your life next five or ten years but I just can’t stop thinking about it whenever I think about it I always smile seeing the sky above showing that I achieve my goals and see my family proud of me.
Ten years from now I see myself as a very successful person. i see myself a good and wealthy person and would enjoy my life and than achieve my dreams and than get married. I hope to be married or getting married in ten years. Then after I will have at least two kids and if I have more than oh well. I don't want just one, because then they will be alone and definitely would be spoiled.i also see my self a good muslim.
10 years from now i will be 28 years old and want to see myself happy doing  job and have my own car and house.

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